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VIRTUS® is a program created by the National Catholic Risk Retention Group in the United States with a "Protecting God's Children" component that combats sexual abuse of children in the Church.

The Child and Youth Protection unit works with parishes and schools to ensure that all employees and volunteers that have regular and consistent contact with children receive the proper training and have current criminal background checks.

This training gives our employees and volunteers the safety tools they will need to use in all aspects of their lives. We also assist parishes and schools in implementing and scheduling VIRTUS training programs for both adults and children.

The Child and Youth Protection unit is aimed at creating safe environments for the children and youth in our parishes and Catholic schools. Our mission is to assist parishes and schools in understanding and implementing the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This involves criminal background screenings and training certification programs that advance the safety of our children.

The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc., is pleased to present a brief introduction to our Protecting God's Children program. This "Flash" presentation exemplifies the information provided in our child sexual abuse awareness sessions for adults. If you have attended an awareness session, this presentation will repeat some of the information presented in our two awareness videos: A Time to Protect God's Children and A Plan to Protect God's Children.


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